Medication Therapy Management

The medication therapy management program is meant to empower the patient to fully manage their medications and their health. This is a program where the pharmacist will sit down one-on-one with the patient and review the patient’s entire medication list. In reviewing the medication list, the pharmacist will ensure that the patient is knowledgeable of their medications.
The pharmacist is responsible for making sure that the patient is well informed about their medications. Things that may be discussed during an MTM include why a patient is taking a certain medication, when the patient is supposed to take the medication, and what to expect as a side effect of the medication. The patient may also be asked how they feel that the medication is working for them, if they can tolerate the side effects, and how to manage those side effects.
If there is a problem with a certain medication for the patient, the pharmacist will then get into contact with the doctor to see if there is a better option. This program aims to improve medication adherence and reduce the risk of adverse events due to the medication.